The Spring Continuing Sessions business agenda (starting at 9:30) will focus on how we, as Friends and Meetings, can be safe spaces for those impacted by recent changes in the United States. Our yearly and monthly meetings are already taking steps in this direction:
PYM filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for its new policies that disrupt our right to worship.
At our Fall 2024 Continuing Sessions we received a minute from Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting of solidarity with the LGBTQIA Community and then posted resources to support that ministry. Additionally, we have been asked to approve the minutes as a body.
One monthly meeting has been in touch with a local organization serving immigrants and asked how they can support them. It also has reached out to their statewide LGBTQIA+ advocacy organization to learn more about supporting them.
Now the question for our Meetings and for our extended family of Friends is:
What are we called to do now?
Please prepare for Sessions and for being responsive to Spirit in the following ways:
Begin discernment on this query in your meeting.
Make sure there will be multiple people from your meeting at Sessions to speak to the query.
Plan to share stories and rely on each other as we live in these times.
Bring your entire meeting to worship together with every other meeting via Zoom at All Together Worship on Sunday, March 9th.