Strengthening our Meeting through Service

Friends Journal had a query recently: When you look around our Meetinghouse, do you see a community zealous for good deeds?

The answer for me is yes, I do see members and attenders who want to do the right thing. (Recent evidence is our approval for the solar and geothermal projects.) We are known to the larger community by our acts of service, our commitment to peace, our seeking truth, and our dedication to one another—but to keep that spirit alive, we must also be mindful of how the work gets done.

For me, belonging to a community like Wrightstown Friends Meeting is a force multiplier—together, we can accomplish far more than we ever could as individuals. But to achieve the goals of our hearts, we need to recognize that our work is carried forward by our committees.

Right now, we are facing a challenge. Our Peace and Social Concerns Committee, which has long been at the heart of our outward-facing good works, has been laid down—not because the work is no longer needed, but because there wasn’t enough interest to sustain it. This should give us pause. If we want to be a Meeting that acts on our values, we must be intentional about ensuring that the work continues. Casual participation won’t get us there.

As we consider the future of our Meeting, we must ask ourselves:

  • What do we want to accomplish as a community?

  • Which committees support those goals?

  • How do we match our aspirations with a willingness to serve?

There is a growing disconnect between what we believe ourselves to be—a Meeting that actively pursues good works—and our willingness to engage in the committee work that makes those goals possible. To bridge that gap, we need more of us to step forward.

I invite you to reflect on where your gifts and passions lie and consider joining a committee. This is how we sustain the work, how we uphold our values, and how we ensure that Wrightstown Friends remains a vibrant, engaged force for good in the world.

In service and community,

Jeff Cogshall
Clerk, Wrightstown Friends Meeting

Aspirations Abandoned

I’ve heard it argued that withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement is a gesture of honesty—an acknowledgment that we are far from meeting our commitments. But such a move doesn’t reflect honesty; it reflects surrender. To walk away is to abandon our aspiration to save the planet from the devastating effects of climate change.

Failing to meet a goal should drive us to do better, not justify quitting altogether. Withdrawing from the agreement simply because we are falling short is no different than scrapping Constitutional amendments on civil rights because we have yet to achieve full racial and gender equality. Progress isn’t made by abandoning commitments—it’s made by striving to fulfill them.

One Book, One Meeting: Conservation that Starts in Your Yard

Roz and I traveled down to Philadelphia in June to see Marty Moss Coane interview Doug Tallamy on the subject of Creating Native Landscapes ( The interview was “about the role we can play in restoring our shared environment by turning our backyards, no matter how small, into interconnected conservation corridors using native plants to attract bees and insects, especially pollinators.”

Doug was very informative and entertaining. See my index of the interview below.

He also has a book: Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard by Douglas W. Tallamy.

This book could help the Meeting to define what we want to do for Earth Day and the steps we want to take more generally to make our Meeting campus more sustainable. We’ve gotten on the right path, but I think we have a long way to go regarding the care of our grounds. Some things Doug Tallamy talks about that we can strive for, given the will, are:

  • the less mowing we talked about in our clerks team meeting and managing it carefully such that we eliminate/minimize undesirables, especially invasive plants;

  • augment our new meadow areas with seed mixes for drought-tolerant native grasses;

  • add pollinator friendly flowers like goldenrod, asters, sunflowers, violets, evening primrose, and native willows to our meadows;

  • create areas where we don’t collect the leaves;

  • create educational opportunities for Nursery School and our hoped-for FDS about ecosystems and insects.

Memorable moments of the Marty Moss Coane interview Doug Tallamy interview:

00:00 — 03:00 Introduction

“There's millions of us. So that's millions of future conservationists.”

“… the world is gonna end if we do nothing”

06:30 — How does a well-functioning ecosystem work?

11:00 — Most people think that nature is someplace else.”

14:15 — Pesticides and herbicides

15:08 — Relationship with invasives and their berries.

16:50 — Trouble is birds rear their young on insects not berries.

17:30 — Killing our birds from all different angles.

18:00 — A nice big circle of leaf litter around a tree for caterpillars to fall into.

18:50 — Clover rather than grass; no-mow areas “with a sequence of blooming plants that our pollinators need from April all the way to the end of October”

19:40 — Pollinator gardens with “goldenrods, native asters, evening primrose, perennial sunflowers, anything in the genus Helianthus”

20:45 — The problem with honeybees… hobbyists are hurting the native bee population, i.e., the pollinators we need to save.

21:30 — The Oak tree… productive vs non-productive plants.

24:00 — Getting 127 species of birds to visit 1/10 of an acre using beautiful native plants

25:04 — Everybody has to be involved… visit the website, and “look at the section about container gardening, you can now find the appropriate native plants for containers in your eco region, anywhere in the country, to try to empower people who think they can't do anything.”

25:48 — Research about health benefits of exposure to nature.. shows it can lower your blood pressure and your stress hormone.

26:50 — Nature’s resilience.

28:57 — A weed is plant out of place… call it Monarch’s delight instead of milkweed and everyone will want it.

22:50 — lights

“We need pollinators more than they need us.”

33:25 — Doung’s critique of the Endangered Species Act: it focuses on one species at a time rather the whole web.

Kim Kardashian is the biggest water abuser in California and she’s proud of it… we need to change the culture.

35:51 — The destructive problem of deer.

32:32 — Ten Step Program: “Take 10 steps back from your trees, and all your insect problems disappear… don't think of them as caterpillars. Think of them as bird food. If you have a plant that's making zero bird food, get another plant.”

42:00 — HOAs.

45:55 — Ticks

49:15 — Roundup/herbicides.

49:05 — Use electric lawn equipment… not gas-powered leaf blowers.


From The Connection with Marty Moss-Coane: Creating a Native Landscape in Your Own Yard, Jun 14, 2024

This material from the interview may be protected by copyright.

Thinking Globally and Acting Locally about Peace as well as Stewardship

This time of year brings an amplification of the “Peace on Earth” message, or perhaps it’s that the usual sounds of aggression feel a little more subdued. Yet, as we look around the world, the picture can seem bleak for those yearning for a more peaceful future.

In our efforts to embrace environmental stewardship, we never imagined we could solve global warming on our own. Instead, we committed to doing our part—small but meaningful steps toward a larger goal.

The same principle applies to peace. We may not be able to end global conflict, but we can do our part. By fostering a sense of peace and connection within our Meeting, we strive to create a peaceful oasis amidst a turbulent world.

Minute of Solidarity and Compassion for Communities in Crisis

In the face of rising tensions and violence both locally and globally, we, Wrightstown Friends Meeting reaffirm our commitment to the principles of peace, goodwill, tolerance, equality, and community. The recent upheavals in the Middle East have exacerbated ancient hostilities, leading to disturbing acts of violence and hateful rhetoric, particularly towards Jewish and Muslim communities.

We condemn these actions and the bigotry that fuels them which transcend antisemitism and Islamophobia. We stand in solidarity with all marginalized groups, including immigrants, communities of color, women, and the LGBTQ+ community, who face ongoing threats to their freedoms and rights.

We believe unequivocally that war and retaliation are not solutions. Meeting violence with violence, or countering injustice with further injustice, is both morally wrong and ineffective for conflict resolution.

In this critical hour, we urge all individuals of conscience to actively offer their support to those in jeopardy. Let us unite to provide comfort and strength, striving to be beacons of hope and agents of change in these challenging times.

This Minute was endorsed and approved for distribution at the regularly scheduled Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business of the Monthly Meeting of Wrightstown Friends.

We Can't Keep Letting Future Generations Down

This morning on WHYY’s Climate Change, there was a program in which they interviewed people who had been youth climate activists years before. Greta Thunberg is, of course, the best known of these.

It is estimated that 90% of the young climate activists have given up… disillusioned.

We can't keep letting future generations down; we have to do more the show we understand and are in action.

Quaker Call To Action on Urgent Threats to Our Democracy

An invitation to a national dialogue on the urgent threats to our democracy and what's at stake.

29-Sep-2023 Update: See a video of the national zoom call:

The Urgent Call Steering Committee continues to hold our country’s challenging political environment in prayer. As we anticipate the 2024 election season, we have just issued an Updated Call To Action to the Religious Society of Friends. You can find it and download it here. The original Urgent Call continues to be a vital message. Please consider our updated pleas for action and distribute this email and Updated Call To Action widely for discernment by meetings and individual Friends.

We are committed to continuing our work for truth and democracy through the 2024 elections. We will be organizing periodic National Zoom Calls for Friends to come together for encouragement, learning, and support.

The first such call will be held on September 28, 2023, 7-9 pm EDT. We are thrilled that Parker Palmer will open this National Call with a message: "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Love, Truth, Justice & the Work of We the People." We will be sending you a flyer with more details soon. You can register for the September 28 National Zoom Call, as well as future calls and training sessions, on our website.

Even though the polarization, promulgation of lies, and threats of violence that permeate our country’s public discourse are disheartening, and even frightening at times, let us continue to hold to our deep faith in the Light and to notice and affirm the Light wherever and whenever we see it. As Friends we nurture hope, trust, and joy through our worship and work together.

Yours in faith,

The Urgent Call Steering Committee

Marian Beane, Bruce Birchard, Sam Caldwell, Gretchen Castle, Mary Ellen McNish, Diane Randall, Jim Waddington, and Michael Wajda, clerk.

No religious dictator will save the world; no giant figure of heroic size will stalk across the stage of history today, as a new Messiah. But in simple, humble imperfect people like you and me wells up the springs of hope.

Thomas Kelly, The Eternal Promise, "Where Are the Springs of Hope?" 1939

This Summer Is Pointing Us Toward Uncharted Territory

NYTimes Opinion piece by David Wallace-Wells

On the last day of July, Phoenix finally registered a temperature high below 110 degrees Fahrenheit — the first time that had happened in 31 days. The temperature of pavement in the city measured up to 180 degrees, and local burn units are full of patients who simply fell to the ground and were burned, as though Maricopa County’s whole surface were a skillet on the stove. The I.C.U.s are filling up, too, and the region’s iconic saguaro cactuses are crumpling and collapsing in the heat. On the same day last week that President Biden offered only a few meek remarks about extreme heat and just a few million dollars in new funding for heat forecasting, the U.N. secretary general, António Guterres, leaned into a typically vehement formulation. “The era of global warming has ended,” he said. “The era of global boiling has arrived.”

It was, worldwide, the hottest month on record. June was the hottest June on record. August appears poised to be the hottest August. Every single day for four straight weeks, as Canada burned and Sicily burned and Algeria burned, global temperatures surpassed the daily record set in 2016 and matched last summer, when 61,000 Europeans are estimated to have died as a result of the heat.

But what else do you expect as greenhouse gas emissions continue? On opposite ends of the planet, temperatures recorded in the North Atlantic and sea ice measured near the South Pole, tracked so far from recent trends that you might embarrass yourself simply stating the size of the anomaly — a four sigma event in the temperatures of the North Atlantic, meaning that, given a stable climate and a normal distribution of chance, it should be expected about once every few hundred years and perhaps a six sigma event for Antarctic sea ice, meaning we should expect to see it, at least according to the simplified math, only once every 7.5 million years.

At a certain point, that math just gets silly, telling you perhaps more about the improper way you might have structured the comparison than about the size of the anomaly itself. But you can measure the anomalies in other ways, such as by noting the hot-tub ocean temperatures off the Florida Keys, a year’s worth of rain falling in 36 hours in parts of Beijing or 100-degree temperatures in the mountains of Chile or that there is an Argentina-size gap between this year’s Antarctic sea ice and the typical extent. And the fact that we are seeing these gob-smacking anomalies at all is a sign that the historical framework implied by terms like “seven sigma” and “500-year storm,” imperfect in the best of times, no longer applies to the world we live in now.

The environmental journalist Juliet Eilperin called the ocean temperatures “beyond belief”; The Washington Post reported that they had “baffled scientists.” Contemplating the trajectory of Arctic sea ice, the atmospheric scientist Zack Labe wrote memorably about how often he finds himself answering questions about the state of the science these days by saying, “I don’t know.” And for all the uncertainty, many of those watching the changes unfold have a queasy intuition that we may be entering a new climatic regime — and perhaps inching closer to some quite concerning tipping points.

A changing climate, a changing world

Climate change around the world: In “Postcards From a World on Fire,” 193 stories from individual countries show how climate change is reshaping reality everywhere, from dying coral reefs in Fiji to disappearing oases in Morocco and far, far beyond.

The worst climate risks, mapped: In this feature, select a country, and we'll break down the climate hazards it faces. In the case of America, our maps, developed with experts, show where extreme heat is causing the most deaths.

“Shocking but not really surprising,” is how NASA’s Gavin Schmidt put it. “Even the things that are unprecedented are not surprising.” That is where we are all living now, in a climate that is both shocking and unsurprising. For several decades, those anxious about global warming have lived in fear of climate prophecies. We are beginning to simply live within them, a process that looks from some vantages like a horror story and from others surprisingly normal.

There are different ways to measure the changes, some less hair-raising than others. In a report published July 25, the World Weather Attribution network examined recent heat waves in the United States, Europe and China, finding that all but the Chinese event would have been impossible without climate change. In a stable, prewarming climate, the heat wave that baked China would have happened once every 250 years; now, the network said, it should be expected every five years. The episodes in Europe and North America, once impossible, should be expected once every 10 to 15 years. I’d bet on these frequencies being underestimates. Last summer there were 100 million Americans under heat advisories, and heat across Europe was called record-breaking then, as well. (On British television, a broadcaster complained that her meteorologist guest was being too gloomy about the heat; “I want us to be happy about the weather,” she said. In the weeks that followed, several thousand Britons died in the heat.)

But the World Weather Attribution report also characterized the heat waves in another way, incorporating a critique made by Patrick Brown of the Breakthrough Institute last summer to measure the simple size of the temperature anomaly attributable to climate change, too. By this metric, the network found, warming had added just one degree Celsius to the temperatures in China, two degrees to the heat waves in North America and two and a half degrees to southern Europe’s.

The coolheaded climate scientist Zeke Hausfather tried to quickly contextualize the recent string of anomalies to show that, in fact, they were, while alarming, nevertheless within the range of expected outcomes, given the present level of global warming. Well, at least two of the three anomalies he examined — the Antarctic sea ice was still quite off the charts. (About those, one scientist told The Guardian that “something weird is going on”; another said that the abrupt changes were “very much outside our understanding of this system.”)

But even if, in most cases, the science is vindicated by this summer’s extremes, that isn’t ultimately all that reassuring. Forecasts for warming have long scared many of those who really looked at them, and so it’s not exactly comfortable to know that we are merely coasting along the high end of those forecasts today. As the climate stalwart Bill McKibben put it to me recently, when it comes to global warming, “‘I told you so’ are the four least satisfying words in the language.”

“The speed of us passing limits is mind-bending,” wrote the Texas A&M atmospheric scientist Andrew Dessler, with whom Hausfather shares a Substack, in a short reflection on why climate impacts seemed to be escalating so quickly. “When the Earth warms the next 0.1 degrees Celsius, an entirely new group of thresholds will be passed, bringing great harms to entirely different groups of people,” he wrote. “Many of them will not expect it, having been lulled into complacency by the fact that they hadn’t been negatively impacted by warming up to then. Is that you?”

As the extreme events have piled up this summer, I keep returning to a conversation I had last fall with the Texas Tech atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe, a lead author of several U.S. National Climate Assessments and the chief scientist at the Nature Conservancy.

“The good news is we have implemented policies that are significantly bringing down the projected global average temperature change,” she said, describing a suite of projections now showing expected temperature rise this century of two to three degrees Celsius rather than four to five. But the bad news was that we had been “systematically underestimating the rate and magnitude of extremes.” Even if temperature rise is limited to two degrees, she said, “the extremes might be what you would have projected for four to five.”

In a long essay I published soon after that conversation, I emphasized that good news — that thanks to the technological and economic miracle of renewables, a global political awakening and an understanding that some earlier assumptions about future energy use were too pessimistic, we had about cut in half our expectations of warming in less than a decade.

This summer, I’ve been thinking more about her bad news — that even accounting for rapid global decarbonization and a drastic cut in expected global temperature rise, we may still end up in a world defined by impacts long called catastrophic. For now, it seems scary enough to say, we don’t really know.

David Wallace-Wells

The Future is Hard to Predict

You can’t predict politics! If you think back 10 years, no one thought that reality TV star would become president, nor that a man who had lost his party’s nomination for president for decades, would become president after that.

And predictions in the fast-moving world of technology are even harder: the creativity of AI has exploded, and no one saw that coming even three years ago.

Our Wrightstown Meeting is now 300+ years old and it’s hard to believe that the original founders of our Meeting imagined what the future would look like for the meeting in 300 years.

Religion in general is in decline and Quakerism is in decline—a 1997 statistical analysis indicates that by 2050 the last Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Quakers will pass away.

Therefore, we need to keep an open mind about the future; we can’t succumb to the despair of what trends may indicate.

It may be that with the onslaught of climate change, atmospheric rivers, and drought that people will turn back to religion wondering if prayer may be the only thing that might save them from a bleak future.

We need to proclaim that we Quakers are still around

I did a search that included he word Quaker and the top question Google returned was:

Who were the Quakers and what did they believe in?

We need to let the world know that we are still around and that our religion and our community are worth visiting.

Bob Leipholtz, a member of our Meeting, shared with me that when he moved to the area from Missouri he thought the Meetinghouses were empty relics from the past.

We have work to do!!!