Peace and Social Concerns
Since their founding, Quakers have been deeply committed to enhancing the welfare of all God's people. At Wrightstown, our Peace and Social Concerns Committee has traditionally chosen how to distribute funds to worthy causes. Since the committee has not met, our upcoming SEG program will focus on strategizing the most effective ways to utilize our resources to support and connect with our community.
This will be a hybrid event - either in-person in the Social Hall, or on Zoom to discuss this topic.
The Zoom link is
Meeting ID: 990 5847 4302 Passcode: 780272
The Spiritual Exploration Group meets at 8:30 on the third Sunday in the Social Hall before Meeting for Worship.
SEG provides an opportunity for everyone to share their thoughts and feelings on a variety of spiritually related topics. I has the added benefit that we can hear each other's ideas outside the Silence of Meeting.
Questions? Contact Sam Hartman 215 674 1954