There will be a Spiritual Exploration Group (SEG) meeting on this third Sunday of March and we can expect SEG to to be at 8:30 in the morning most “third Sundays”.
This will be a hybrid event - both in-person and on Zoom.
Please join us at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 26, either in-person in the Social Hall, or on Zoom to discuss this topic.
The Zoom link is
Meeting ID: 990 5847 4302 Passcode: 780272
The “reading” for this week’s discussion is two things to listen to.
You can listen to either one first. They are each about an hour long.
There is also a very short hands on exercise. On Friday and Saturday take note of something that you notice made you happy for a moment and write it down. Just a sentence or two is plenty.
Listen to:
This American Life episode 692 The Show of Delights
You can get this as a podcast on your phone if you get the This American Life podcast app
You can listen to it on your computer by going to the website for This American Life and scrolling down to “recently aired” then clicking on The Show of Delights 692 June 2, 2023
Sorry, there is a four second advertisement for Chase before the program begins.
You can get a written transcript at
For those of you who are not familiar with This American Life, it is an NPR weekly program with a different theme each week. The format is a series of short “acts”; each on whatever the theme is that week.
2. Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom by Tara Brach
Tara Brach is a psychologist, author, and proponent of Buddhist meditation.
Please email me if you have any trouble accessing these “listens”.
If you are really eager to research this topic further there is a semester long Yale University course called The Science of Happiness which you can access for free online. It is the most popular course ever taught at Yale.