Procedures for inside worship during Covid-19 pandemic

First and foremost, for the benefit of yourselves, your families, your Faith Community and our region, please get vaccinated.

Once the Meetinghouse is open for inside Worship, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines in an effort to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

1.    Please do not come to Meeting if you do not feel well, are running a fever or have any of the well known Covid symptoms.  When in doubt stay home.  We will continue virtual worship for the foreseeable future.

2.    Proper mask use is required for all indoor Worship until further notice.

3.    Please use touchless hand sanitizer when entering Meeting and sit only in designated seats marked by blue x’s. 

4.     Please enter the Meetinghouse through the doors facing the Social Hall, unless you need to use the handicapped entrance facing Rt. 413.

5.    Basically, two “blue X’s” can be found at the end of open benches, indicating where couples from the same household may sit. Individuals may also sit at the double “blue X’s”, but NOT with anyone next to them. There are three benches facing the piano where families of three or four may sit together

6.    Please sit in the unoccupied benches “deepest” in the Meetinghouse, away from doors first (including “facing benches”) and please fill spots on benches away from aisles first.

7.    Greeters  will be at the entrance door to ensure mask use and to take attendance, which is necessary for contact tracing 

8.    We will not end Worship with a handshake until further notice

9.    If you or any member of your family tests positive for Covid 19 within two weeks of attending indoor Worship, please immediately contact the Clerk.  The Clerk will then contact all Members and attenders who were present.   It is recommended that anyone contacted be tested for Covid 19 and/or self quarantine for 10 days.

10. If any incidence of Covid infection is determined, the Meetinghouse and Social Hall may be closed the following Sunday

11. In order to maintain adequate ventilation, doors will be kept open in the Meetinghouse so worshippers should dress accordingly

12. Until further notice there will be no socializing inside at the Rise of Meeting. Please meet and socialize outdoors.  

13. Restrooms will be open, and it is the responsibility of each user to wipe down common touch points with antiseptic wipes when finished.  Please leave the rest room door open after use, weather permitting.

14. If all available indoor seats are occupied, the Meeting will be considered closed and any further arrivals have the option of worshipping outdoors or by Zoom.

Additional guidelines for Children and Youth

1.    Children are invited to participate with families in Worship and should stay together with family members.

2.    First Day School classes will take place in the Social Hall(when available) or outside, if weather permits. The Playground, which is otherwise closed, will be open during and after Sunday MFW time, provided children are supervised by a FDS teacher or parent who will ensure social distancing is maintained. Masks are required